Terms and Conditions


1.       Service and Repairs

A.       For service and repair orders. CCC will service your clock, watch, barometer or another item as described by you for the estimated charges stated unless such costs are revised with your prior oral or written consent. Unless otherwise stated, CCC service or provide repair or replacement parts to address a defect in the workings or workmanship, both internally and aesthetically of an item.

B.       Parts and Labour. CCC may provide both parts and labour. CCC may use parts or products that are new, refurbished, equivalent to manufacture or OEM replacement in performance and reliability unless otherwise specified in our written estimate.

C.       Mail-In Service. If you ship your item to CCC's repair service centre in accordance with CCC’s instruction, CCC may provide prepaid shipping labels, CCC may send you packaging material. If CCC does not provide prepaid labels or packaging, you must arrange for the shipping and packaging of your item to CCC’s repair service centre, as described at the time of order, and you may want to consider insuring your package in case of damage or loss during shipment. After a service is complete, CCC will return the repaired item to you, unless otherwise specified.

D.      Any loss or damage to your items are the sole responsibility of the shipper or any insurance cover provided by third parties. CCC cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to items while in transit. Unless liable through negligence or Consumer Law.

E.       Changes to service. CCC reserves the right to change at any time the service options available to you.

F.       No sale to minors. Repairs or services under these terms is available only to those who are 18 years or over.

G.      Service Exclusions and Diagnostic Fee. CCC may charge you a diagnostic fee of minimum £35 (including shipping charges), if CCC inspects your item and determines that

i.                     your item does not require service,

ii.                   service is required due to the failure of parts that are no longer available to CCC,

iii.                  additional labour or parts are required that were not specified in the original estimate of charges and you do not agree to proceed based on CCC’s revised estimated costs,

iv.                  CCC deems your item to be fake or counterfeit,

v.                    a re-service cannot be performed under the CCC guarantee request because the serial number has been altered, defaced or removed or the item has failed due to accident, abuse, liquid spill or submersion, neglect, misuse (including repair, or maintenance by anyone other than CCC), unauthorized modification, extreme environment (including extreme temperature or humidity), extreme physical or electrical stress or interference, magnetism, fluctuation or surges of electrical power, lightning, static electricity, fire, acts of God or other external causes. CCC will return your item to you without servicing it and may charge you the Diagnostic Fee of minimum £35 INC.VAT.

vi.                  Your right to waive the diagnostic fee. If you waive the diagnostic fee, CCC will deem your item as "abandoned" under the terms of section 1.10.5 (1.J.V).

H.      Minimum service fee. CCC has a minimum service fee of £35 for any parts or service provided other than the diagnostic fee.

I.         Delivery. CCC may provide an estimate on when your item is being shipped to you. Once your item has been prepared for shipment or has shipped, CCC is unable to change the shipping address.

J.        Customer’s Responsibility.

i.        CCC will provide you with shipping and packing instructions. You will be responsible for any loss or damage to items while in-transit and any subsequent claim made to any insurance or shipping company. Any shipping offered, arranged, or insurance claimed by CCC is done so on a "goodwill" basis and does not imply CCC responsibility for any loss subsequently caused or incurred.

ii.       It is your responsibility to make sure that your item always has adequate insurance cover and to manage any claim or dispute as a result of any such claim.

iii.      It is your responsibility to make sure that CCC has your correct contact details and return shipping address.

iv.      It is your responsibility to make sure your item is genuine and not fake or a counterfeit.

v.        If you have not claimed your item and paid all charges due within 30 days after being notified by CCC that your item has been repaired or is being returned un-done, CCC will set you a time period to claim your item and pay any charges due. CCC will send such notification to you at the address or email you provided when you authorized the repairs. If you continue to fail to take delivery, collect your item or pay any outstanding invoice, CCC may claim any damages from you including any costs or the storage of such item. The outstanding balance on uncollected items will be subject to a 3% interest every month they remain uncollected. Items not collected will be disposed of after 12 months.

K.       Uncompleted repairs.

i.         CCC may charge you for any labour (at £50 per hour), service, or parts incurred up to the total value of any estimate given if a repair is returned un-complete or cancelled for any reason including:

i.      additional work or parts are required that were not specified in the original estimate of charges and you do not agree to proceed based on CCC’s revised estimated costs,

ii.      CCC deems your item unrepairable for any reason,

iii.      a disagreement between you and CCC and subsequent cancellation of any repair.

2.       Orders and Payment

a.       Payment. Terms of payment are within CCC sole discretion, and unless otherwise agreed to by CCC, payment must be received before the commencement of any service, labour or parts or the return of your item, whichever comes first.

b.       Payment Methods. CCC allows you to make payment using a credit card, debit card, cash on collection, or by bank transfer.

c.        Prices. CCC endeavours to offer competitive prices for repair services and parts as estimates. Your total repair price will include the cost of the parts and service on the day your estimate was made. CCC reserves the right to change prices for parts or services at any time and particularly where any such assessment may change during the course of carrying out repairs where unforeseen parts or additional labour may be required. In such cases, CCC will notify you in writing or orally of a change, and you will be given the option to proceed. If you reject the proposed change in your estimate, you are required to pay for any labour, service or parts provided, including shipping costs.

d.       Discounts and coupon codes. From time to time, CCC may provide discounts or coupon codes. CCC withholds the right to retract any discount, coupon, or promotion against any repair, service, or parts at its discretion. Discounts are not available on any repairs carried out by the brand's accredited repair centre or for the supply of parts only.

e.       Confirmation. CCC will send you a confirmation of your order via email shortly after receipt.

f.         Refunds. Except where Law permits, CCC does not provide refunds for service orders.

3.       Guarantee

a.       Service Guarantee. CCC warrants that service and parts will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for one year (12-months) of if notified in writing two years (24-months) from the date of the repair or service. This warranty is an express limited warranty. If a defect arises in a replacement part during the warranty period, CCC will at its option, either

i.      re-perform services to conform to their description

ii.      repair or replace the part, using parts that are new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability.

b.       Your item is no longer covered by the CCC warranty if the issue you are reporting was caused by accidental damage due to accident, abuse, liquid spill or submersion, neglect, misuse (including repair, or maintenance by anyone other than CCC), unauthorized modification, extreme environment (including extreme temperature or humidity), extreme physical or electrical stress or interference, fluctuation or surges of electrical power, lightning, static electricity, fire, acts of God or other external causes

c.        Where a defective item is returned requiring further service, parts or work outside the scope of the original estimate of work paid for, CCC will provide a new estimate for that work, service or parts. You will have the option to accept the new estimate and pay for the service or request the item be returned un-repaired.

4.       General.

a.       Cancellation. Upon acceptance of a service order, CCC initiates service, and consequently, if you are a consumer, you agree that because CCC starts service upon approval of your order, you may not exercise the right of withdrawal.

b.       Subcontractors. CCC may subcontract with other service providers for the service of your item.

c.        Product/service changes. CCC may make changes to any products or services offered online. The information provided online concerning products and services may be out of date, and CCC does not commit to update the information presented online concerning such products and services.

d.       Change Terms. CCC reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time.

e.       Typographical Errors. CCC is not responsible for typographical errors. CCC reserves the right to cancel any order you had placed if there was a typographical error concerning the pricing or availability of any item you ordered when you placed the order.

f.         Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the Law of Great Britain, Ireland, and Wales.

g.       Terms of service. This Agreement is bound by our website terms of service and our privacy policy - copies of which are available on our website.

h.       No Third-Party Beneficiaries. These terms shall not be interpreted or construed to confer any rights or remedies on any third parties.

i.         Data Protection. You agree and understand that it is necessary for CCC to collect, process, and use your data to process sales, perform service, and confirm compliance with applicable laws. CCC will maintain and use your personal data to allow you to exercise your rights arising from the service of your item and for quality and service-related purposes. CCC will not use your information for direct marketing purposes without obtaining your consent. If you wish to have access to the information that CCC holds concerning you or if you want to make changes, contact CARRIAGECLOCKCOMPANY@GMAIL.COM.

j.         Complete Agreement; Force Majeure. CCC uses this Agreement for diagnostics, repairs, and service transactions. CCC is not responsible for any failures or delays in performing service or delivering your item that is due to actions and circumstances outside CCC’s reasonable control. No other conditions apply oral or written