Help Booking A Carriage Clock Repair

This is a short guide to help filling out the repair booking form for when you have a carriage clock you would like to send in for a repair.

First we need some basic information from you so we know who we are dealing with.

We ask for your name and address, this is the address we will use to send out any correspondence should we not be able to reach you via email, and email.

Below the email field you can sign up to news and updates, this is optional and not required for us to contact you about your carriage clock repair.

Next we ask for clock type. This is just gives us an idea of what we can expect. The options are:

  • Time Only - A carriage clock that doesn’t strike on the hours or the half hour usually just has one winding square

  • Striking - A carriage clock that strike the hours, and or half hours, or is fitted with an alarm function.

  • Striking with Repeat - As above but with a button, often on the top of the case, that when pushed causes the clock to strike the hours.

  • Grande Sonnerie - A carriage clock that at each quarter strikes the hour and the quarters.

  • Petite Sonnerie - As with the Grande Sonnerie above, but on the quarters only the quarters are struck on each quarter.

If you are not sure what type of clock you have, please don’t worry to much, we will check every carriage clock over before we confirm the estimate for the work, this is simply for our own internal booking in process and so we can provide an idea of the cost before you send the clock in.

Next we ask for a short description of the carriage clock. Please include any makers name if visible, a description of the case, and if you have opted to have packaging sent out to you please provide rough dimensions. If there are known issues please let us know what they are.

Then you can select the type of work required.

  • Repair - This would be if the carriage clock works but there is an issue, that doesn’t require a service to correct. It may be that the only way to correct the issue is through a service, but our horologists will confirm with you after inspecting your carriage clock.

  • Service - This is what’s required for most carriage clocks that have stopped working. This is a full strip down, with repair to wear and tear, along with the replacement of consumable parts such as mainsprings.

  • Restoration - This includes a service but goes further. It includes correcting cosmetics issues such as re-bluing screws and steel work, along with correcting previous repairs that while functional haven’t been carried out to a high standard and devalue the clock. This work should only be selected if the clock is of high value or importance. Most modern carriage clocks wouldn’t benefit from this level of work. A restoration is only needed once, and after its been completed regular servicing carried out to a high standard will be sufficient to keep the clock running properly.

You can then select any additional repairs that you would like. If a glass panel is broken we tend to raise an estimate with clients regardless of if its been selected here but this work is optional and you can choose to go ahead or decline as you wish. Unless selected here or told otherwise before work is completed we will not polish the case or repair the dial, these areas are too subjective for clients.

Any work you ask for here or we deem necessary will be raised in an estimate sent to you before any work has been started. We will make it clear to you what work is necessary to correct the issues you have with the clock, and what are optional.

Next you you can select if you would like packaging sent out to you so you can safely send your carriage clock to us. We charge £6 for this, which covers our costs. Of course you can package the carriage clock yourself and send it to us. We are not always able to return the packaging you send to us.

In the ‘Notes’ section please tell us any additional information you feel is needed. If the clock is to be returned to a different address than the correspondence address you gave us above please tell us here.

For security reasons we cannot return the carriage clock to an address other than what we are told about on this form. If you do need to change the delivery address after this form has been filled in you will have to email us from the email address provided and pass security questions.

And lastly you just need to confirm you’ve read our terms and conditions. They can be found here.